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TEST ID: Alcat Test for food and chemical sensitivity

DESCRIPTION: Cellular Reactions to Food, Chemicals and Other Substances

Clinical Use

The Alcat Test is now considered the, "gold standard" laboratory method for identification of non-IgE mediated reactions to over 400 different foods, chemicals, and other categories of substances. It is a functional response test and captures the final common pathway of many of the pathogenic mechanisms, immunologic, toxic, and pharmacologic, that underlie non-IgE mediated reactions to foods and chemicals.

Specimen Information

COLLECTION: Whole blood in sodium citrate tube.

SPECIMEN STABILITY: Up to 72 hours at room temperature.

REJECTION CRITERIA: Blood sample is over 72 hours old; grossly hemolyzed, icteric, and lipemic specimens; improper anticoagulant used.


The impedance method of blood cell counting and sizing. (ROBOCat II)

Results Interpretation

The Alcat Test measures a patient's response to each test substance and then classifies each response as reactive, borderline or non-reactive. Based on these classifications, a customized elimination/rotation diet may be designed to effectively eliminate specific triggers of chronic immune system activation. By reducing the burden of immune triggers it is possible that normal body functions and immune system balance may be improved.


The Short Term Efficacy of the Alcat Test of Food Sensitivities to Facilitate Changes in Body Composition and Self-Reported Disease Symptoms: A Randomized Controlled Study - Gilbert R. Kaats, Director; Health and Medical Research Foundation. San Antonio, Dennis Pullni, Executive Director; Baylor Sports Medicine Institute, Houston, TX Larry K. Parker; MD, Women's Total Health Care Angleton, TX Published American Journal of Bariatric Medicine. Spring, 1996

Alcat Test identifies food intolerance in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms - Berardi, L.; De Amici, M.; Vignini, A.; Mantegna, G.; Mosca, M. Foundation IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo, Department of Pediatrics, Pavia, Italy; Foundation IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo, Department of Dermatology, Pavia, Italy Presented at The XXVIII European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress Warsaw, Poland 6-10 June 2009 - Abstract No. 1280

Food intolerance in patients with cutaneous diseases: diagnostic value of the Alcat test - Berardi, L.; De Amici, M.; Vignini, A.; Torre, C.; Mosca, M. Foundation IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo, Department of Pediatrics, Pavia, Italy; Foundation IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo, Department of Dermatology, Pavia, Italy Presented at The XXVIII European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress Warsaw, Poland 6-10 June 2009 - Abstract No. 1281

Diagnostic Value of Alcat Test in Intolerance to Food Additives Compared With Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled (DBPC) Oral Challenges - Lene Hoj. MD, Copenhagen,Denmark; Presented at 52nd annual meeting of the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology: March 15-20. 1996. New Orleans. Published - Journal of Allergy and Immunology. vol. 97. No. 1, Part 3. January 1996.

High correlation of the Alcat Test Results with Double-Blind Challenge (DBC) in Food Sensitivity by Dr. P. Fell, presented at the 45th Annual Congress of the American College of Allergy and Immunology, Los Angeles, CA: November 12-16, 1988 and published in the Annals of Allergy.