02/14/2013 Holder of 22 Guinness World Record Strength Records on his experience with the Alcat Test. “After taking the test, I have more strength. When I would normally take a rest after workouts in the afternoon, I can carry straight through the day and no need or desire to stop for a break. I recommend it to anyone looking for that edge on the competition…
Continue reading →David Blyweiss, MD Another patient, a 35-year-old woman with frequent urination (20 x/day) and urinary incontinence found that her symptoms resolved completely after 4 weeks on the dietary program changes…this after three other doctors…multiple meds and multiple cystoscopies Optimal nutrition positively affects the immune system and your metabolism and supports women’s health before, during and after pregnancy. A personalized nutritional program based on the Alcat…
Continue reading →02/14/2013 MLB Outfielder took the Alcat Test and visited the Cell Science Systems Laboratory. “I took the test and immediately told myself that if this is right and this is right for me I will do this by the book. I had a severe reaction to hazelnut and then some moderate reactions to some other foods, cut those foods out, cut all sugar out for a…
Continue reading →Pauline Harding, MD, Family Medicine Practitioner One young adult male from out-of-state had resolutions of his longstanding intestinal bleeding upon identifying gluten as the cause of his bowel disease. Two colonoscopies had not identified the issue. The digestive tract is much more than simply a food processing system. The gut plays an important role in the interaction between diet and immunity. It is the largest…
Continue reading →Migraine and Headache Pauline Harding, MD, Family Medicine Practitioner One middle-aged woman with chronic headaches discovered that the aspartame in her toothpaste was the culprit. Headaches are global disabling conditions. In children and adolescents, headache has a suggested overall mean prevalence of 54.4% (95% CI 43.1-65.8) and migraine, 9.1% (95% CI 7.1-11.1)1. These painful conditions, which include migraine, cluster, or tension headache, can occur in…
Continue reading →Mark L. Andrews, MD I have had a new nurse present with chronic asthma so bad that she couldn’t speak in complete sentences. She was taking maximum therapy and was still not in control. After adjusting her diet based on Alcat testing, her asthma cleared completely and she was able to stop all medications. I assume this saved her insurance carrier at least $4,000.00 per year. Have you ever wondered…
Continue reading →Musculoskeletal Health “I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at the age of 9. Since that time, I went through years and years of excruciating pain and was given medications from IVs, Cancer drugs, Injections, and many more. I studied Naturopathic Medicine to learn more about my condition. After years of fatigue, pain and suffering, after taking the Alcat Test, I found that my Arthritis…
Continue reading →Figure 1: Skin condition before the start of treatment and after 14 weeks. Identification of incompatible foods using the Alcat Test and instituting a corresponding elimination/rotation diet based on test results. Up Ultrasound/Collagenosom – below light level imaging (F. Angehrn, MD, Director, Klinic Piano, Bienne,Switzerland) The outer skin is immunologically related to the intestinal mucosa, which may be thought of as the body’s…
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